Thursday, February 28, 2013

DIY Sunday

The winter has been pretty brutal this year. Every weekend it has either been bitter cold, raining, or snowing. You can only go skate the indoor park so many times before that becomes stale.

A couple weeks ago Joey Penry, Alex Deweese, Justin Henry, and myself were lucky enough to get a somewhat warm, dry Sunday to go skate. Here are some photos from our session at the DIY quarter pipe downtown.  (Photos by A.H.)

Joey Penry- FS Pivot

 Justin Henry- Blunt to Fakie (x2)
Joey Penry- FS Smith

Alex Deweese- FS Blunt
Justin Henry- BS Nosepick
Joey Penry-BS Blunt
Good times had by all. We will see you guys in the streets this spring! Enjoy! A.H. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Make the most of what you got.

Sometimes in the winter all you can do is layer up and go skate some dry flat ground.

Joey Penry - Kickflip
27 Degrees
Photo- Andy Helvey